Vuosi: 1916
Kesto: 3 mins
Kuvaus: I. '1ST LONDON DIVISION SPORTS. Bomb throwing competition and Military Obstacle Race'. Men stand in a short length of mock trench and throw 'bombs' - officers and others look on. Camera in front of trench records men running in, throwing their grenades and then going over the top - the trench is sufficiently deep that the men first lay their rifles on the lip of the trench, climb out, then retrieve their weapons. The men advance through (unbarbed) wire entanglements. Camera to the rear as men fire from their trench before advancing - some have difficulty climbing out. 'BIVOUAC ALARM. The London Division Cyclists turn out in 1 min 58 secs'. Men emerge from bivouacs and fall in.II. 'CANADIAN COLOURS. The colours of the 99th. Canadian Battalion (Windsor Ontario) are deposited in Windsor Parish Church for safe keeping during the war'.III. 'KEMPTON PARK JUBILEE. The Jubilee Stakes meeting held by the Machanical (sic) Transport Section of the A.S.C. Each mount carried top-weight'. MS of two soldiers at score board. Soldiers place bets. Men of police and Forces race donkeys past camera - a man dressed as a huntsman is first home.IV. 'AMERICAN MUNITION FACTORY DISASTER. A terrific explosion causes enormous damage at a New York munition works, setting fire to many ships in the harbour'. LS of fire in waterfront building - firemen with hoses in foreground. Pan right to left over fire-fighting vessels - in the foreground are the Slatington, then a vessel from New York Central Lines - hoses play water onto still smouldering barges.
I. London Division sports day.II. The Colours of the 99th Canadian Battalion (Windsor Ontario) are deposited in Windsor Parish Church.III. Donkey derby.IV. US munitions factory burns.
Avainsanat: EFG1914 / World War I / British Army, Div 47 / British Army, London Division, cyclists / Canadian Army, Canadian Bn 99 / British Army, Canadian Bn 99 / British Army, Royal Army Service Corps / recreation, British military - sport: sports day / recreation, British military - sport: obstacle race / training, British military - combat: grenade throwing / society, British military - cautionary: safe storage of regimental colours / society, Canadian military - cautionary: safe storage of regimental colours / animals, mammals: donkey / recreation, British military - sport: donkey derby / destruction, United States: fire in factory / ships, United States - assistance: fire fighting vessel / ships, United States - assistance: Slatington / GB, England & Windsor, Berks
/ Kempton Park, Surrey, England, UK / New York, New York, United States of America -
Sisältölähde: Imperial War Museums
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Tuotantoyhtiö: Topical Film Company
Väri: Black & White
Sound: Without sound